Zero Size, Truck Size..Damn..Does it matter? What actually matters in life?

Just now read a beautiful post on how to raise your daughters and that post triggered some thoughts in me. So here are my some Monsoon Thursday thoughts.

World is already a tough place where people get judgemental about beauty, 36 32 34 measurements or Zero size or half size or whatever crap size of your body, your color, your weight.

It all looks good, you enjoy the glory when you adhere to these measurements, you grow in a myth that your identity or fame is because of your color, or this numbers based figure. You enjoy the attention of few morons who say ” How fair you are! How do you manage such sexy body figure! How do you maintain that perfect weight of 50″. You think you rule the world because of these measurements and parameters.

But Damn! It’s a physical body…it changes…changes with your age…and then your body doesn’t measure the zero size or the crap of 36 32 34 …then you get depressed. Then you feel worthless. Then you feel you are nothing but a big overloaded garbage truck. Because all through your life you never gave importance to inner beauty, inner strength, the intellect, the skills , the joys of learning, the real beauty of soul .

No one will taunt you, even if you look like a truck but you yourself will taunt you for losing your “,wealth…the weapons of beauty”. Finally, you get depressed. You get frustrated. You feel entire world is making fun of you. You become frustrated jealous soul seeing other 36 32 34 women or start wasting your life hating yourself till you get back to your prior glory. And because of this negative attitude people start distancing you, they too feel ” What a fat sick pessimistic soul this woman is “.

Is that life???

Why is it all happening? This disastrous cycle doesn’t happen with men. Even though they look like truck they confidently feel they are the most sexiest men in the World and added to that they feel women are dying for them even in their truck shape. Actually!! That kickass attitude makes them really hot and sexier.

Why does this happen?

If we do little bit of root cause analysis. It all has to do with our upbringing ( yes society is a judgemental moron all the times anyways).
Right from childhood, girls are raised on the parameters of color, size, weight…with lesser focus on real parameters of mental, physical strength, inner beauty and the real thing about education, academic goals, life goals. Girls are given lipsticks, talcum powders, eyeliners makeup brushes and praised and praised and like hell by saying ” Oh my God! My daughter looks like a model, like a Hollywood, Bollywood star”. So, they too think they are awesome in these parameters and they focus on those unknowingly…And grow up to dumbdolls. In one age, they lose their so called sexy parameters of body and turn to frustrated jealous useless self-esteem less truck woman.


Don’t let that happen with your daughters. Right from childhood encourage and focus on the real strength, groom them to become women of strength, let them focus on academics, let them focus on sports, let them focus on spiritual strength, make them strong girls.
Give them books, not lipsticks.
Give them sports shoes, not high heels.
Yes, they will definitely wear lipsticks, high heels later on, however by that time they know they are just accessories, not their identity parameters. They will even know respecting other women on real parameters but not on basis of size of their boobs or waist or color of the skin.

Prasanna  Small pic.jpg
Me at our Company’s Annual Event

Strong girls become strong women and Strong Women are the most sexy creatures you ever see on the planet even they are of truck size, because they carry a charm 😉

Have a beautiful day.

Loads of Love from a truck sized woman who will definitely lose her weight one day but celebrating herself even with this truck size   

Prasanna Rayaprolu

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Nice post! BTW, can you give the link of the article on raising of daughters. I also have a daughter. 🙂

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